Did you know that you don't necessarily need to work with a brothel or an agency to become a prosperous escort in Auckland? So many successful women have excelled in this business, working independently. Working as an independent escort is different than when working with a third party since you are in charge of the business and the people you meet.

As an independent escort, you can either opt to create a home where your clients can come and meet you, or choose to meet in a hotel room or any other areas you agree with the client. Both parties highly determine the meeting venue.

Working as an independent escort is pretty much like working with an agency. The requirements include;

  • Have a meeting place

 If you are targeting local customers, make sure to have an apartment where you can meet up with your clients. Make sure the apartment or house you choose offers privacy for you and your clients. Ensure you are free to access it at any time and any day, respectively.

  • Create a profile

The other crucial thing that every prostitute in New Zealand must have is a good advertising. Take attractive pictures and post them on various escort directories to attract customers. Seek a professional photoshoot and consider wearing sexy lingerie or take naked pictures if you are comfortable. You can have the images taken while showing your face or opt to cover it for security purposes.

Ensure the photos you take are clear, and the background of the area is beautiful too. If you don't have the right house for a photo shoot, you can book in a classy hotel or ask for a guide from your photographer.

  • Create a profile with personal business information

 Other than the images that you upload to the escort directory, the other crucial thing that you need to focus on is your advertising. A profile is a small summary of who you are, where you are from, the kind of escort services you offer, the rates, and also contact numbers.

Your summary profile description should be brief but contain all the essential information about you and your services. Ensure to include at least two phone numbers that your clients can reach you and ensure the contacts are purposely for this business.

 Precautions to take when creating an online advertising

  • Do not share your details like real names, family details, and location.
  • Always update your profile with new pictures to attract more customers.
  • Include your charge rates to avoid back and forth in negotiating
  • Learn how to manage your bookings, including abrupt calls

Advantages of working as an independent escort in Auckland

 Apart from the great freedom that one has when working as a standalone escort, there are other great benefits that private New Zealand escorts reap from their work. They include;

  • Opportunity to travel to new places

These types of girls manage all their clients, and chances of getting clients from different cities are quite high. First off, clients require privacy too when dealing with escorts, and thus the lesser people they deal with for booking with a companion, the better and safer for them. So, the chances of getting multiple clients from different cities for independent Auckland escorts are quite high.

Also, if you want to change the environment and maybe meet new clients, you can travel to new cities with a high demand for such services. The bottom line is as a private NZ escort, and you are not limited to serving clients from one town, you can travel to other places to try your luck and meet new people as well.

  • Great earnings

Most of the escorts who have made it in life work independently. Although working with an agency is recommendable, especially for a beginner, since they can guide you and help you find clients, the amount of money earned by an independent escort cannot match for a companion working with a brothel/agency. An independent escort collects all the payment agreed with the client as opposed to an agency that cuts their cost before paying their girls.

  • Excellent relationships with clients

You deal with the client from the go where you communicate about bookings and even negotiate about the charges. This, in return, helps you to establish a good and close relationship with the clients. A good relationship prior breaks the ice so you can offer excellent services to your clients; hence, creating an opportunity for more bookings.

Disadvantages of working an independent escort in New Zealand

Although there are a variety of benefits when working as an independent escort, there are challenges that girls face too. Some of the significant disadvantages include;

  • The job is tiring

 Working alone means you get to do everything on your own, from creating your profile, booking for meetings, talking to the clients, and even updating your profile. This can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you continually get clients bookings.

  • High expenditures

Although independent girls get to earn a reasonable sum amount of money as opposed to those who work with a brothel or agency, they have other expenses that they need to sort out. The costs include; the money for paying professional photographers, the prices for paying the meeting apartments, their expenditure on buying clothes, and other personal needs, among others. In such a case, be careful when charging your clients to make sure you earn a profit.

  • Rude or unattractive customers

The road to becoming a prosperous Auckland escort is not easy, and this includes those working as independent escorts. These girls get multiple calls from both good and bad clients. You are not guaranteed to get a gentleman since some clients are disrespecting. Desperate measures when you go for long before having a booking can lead you to accept clients who don't meet your target. Therefore, it is not a smooth road, regardless.


There are a wide variety of benefits for working as an independent escort since you take care of your rate charging, and there is enormous freedom when dealing with the clients since you get to engage them from the beginning. But, the job is not as easy since the girls also face some challenges. In the long run, you are not guaranteed to get clients all the time, plus there are tons of expenses to cater to. But overall, being an independent prostitute is the ultimate option for girls who want to grow their escorting business.


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